Saturday, February 28, 2009

RAIN!!! Finally...

If someone ask... What is the most stupidest thing you have done recently... I would plainly answer them... "Jogging in heavy rain."

It's been one and a half month the state of Jitra has not having any rain. Nevertheless, yesterday, I heard the wonderful sound of tunderstorm.

It was a heavy rain... But when it went small at 4.45, don't know what hit me but I suddenly change into my sportswear... and went jogging on the road.

The rain gets even heavier as I jog... But... I felt happy. I felt COMPLETELY DEStressed!!! The stress from the 4 FREAKING LONG ASSIGNMENT is gone. The rain cool me down, while my body warm up at the same time.

I met a few of my juniors alongthe way, ad they must think I'm crazy... Actually... I AM CRAZY at that moment... So, this is what CRAZY PEOPLE DO!!! WAHAHAHAHHA...

1 comment:

arwen woon said...

yoooo~~~muz take care ur body..
it will sick....