Sunday, July 5, 2009

Home Alone... *Lost Count*

I still remember the time when I watch the movie "Home Alone". And the there are 3 sequels continueing it. Hiwever, in my life, my home alone experiance beat that record...=P And I'm now in the "movie" too...

Mum and dad is off to Paris for their wheelchair basketball tournament... And it takes them about 2 weeks to return to my place. Now alone with my dreadful brother, I am given a duty as a 24 hour "nanny... Or should I say "Pappy".

Taking care really wasn't easy... but the fun part is still bossing around my bro to clean the dirty dishes and all. Kind of fun, but now I'm bored.

All alone in the house, my job is to handle things to be perfect... Like going to IPDA? It is hard when your "driver(s)" is gone to Paris, public transport is the last available option, as car park fees is way too high. And I'm seriusly not looking forward to the journey to IPDA. (Not the times AT IPDA)

Anyhow, call me a Butler... Maid... House-husband... Driver... Carrier... And "Lunch-man" as these are my duties when I'm Home Alone. I believe there are times when you guys will face in the future.


SzeLing said...

I'm facing it now la...housemaid and driver...

Jacque said...

hahaha... XD
erm... bj, there's wrong spelling(s) and u substituted 'seriously' with BM: 'seriusly'... hehe... =P