Tuesday, December 30, 2008

MY 2009 resolution for the new year...

I wish you very late christmas... And a brand new year!!!

Yup... My funny bones start to tickled a LOT. But time to get serious... Talking serious things... My new year resolution... 2009 edition...

Top 10 Resolution in 2009...

10. Cry while saying goodye to my best friends that are going to other countries... (And prepare lots of tissue... I MEAN LOTS OF IT!!!)

9. Prepare to cry with my family when I'm ready to UK... (I'm crying already before I even start my exam!!!)

8. See lecturers more often... (And try NOT to bribe them... =P Juz kiddin)

7. Finish all of my assignment.. (Like that is NOT going to happen)

6. Exercise.... Like jogging and cycling in IPDA gym... (Try to do my best you know..."Normally I'll give up though...")

5. Start studying... (Or die trying... NOT to... Hehehehe!!!)

4. Control my emotions... (Not Crying OF COURSE!!!)

3. Stop watching anime... 3 MONTHS before the exam... And watch TONS OF IT After the exam (Hehehe... Somethings will never change...)

2. Diet... CHOTTOMATE!!! DIET?!!! (This is going to be tough...)

1. And my No. 1 Resolution is... PASS THE FREAKING PORTSMOUTH EXAM!!!! (No pass... No UK-ing...T_T)

Haa... So much things to do... So little time. One year is fast, you wouldn't know when it will end, and I might start posting the 2010 resolution already!!!

1 comment:

Free Soul said...

Good luck with that Bjay..
Happy New Year to you!